Returning To Work While On CPP Disability Benefits
Many are under the impression they can’t work because their CPP benefits would be cut off or lessened to the point that it would not make financial sense to work. This is not entirely true.
Most people who receive CPP Disability benefits experience severe and/or prolonged limitations that prevent them from working at any job on a regular basis, but most would benefit from the additional income that a part time or temporary job would bring.
Many are under the impression they can’t work because their CPP benefits would be cut off or lessened to the point that it would not make financial sense to work. This is not entirely true.
You must contact Service Canada when you begin working, and once you have earned $6,400 (before tax) in 2022. Your disability benefits may be impacted by your gross (before tax) earnings:
If you earn below $6,400 (before tax), this alone should not affect your disability benefits.
If you earn between $6,400 and $17,489.40 (before tax), this may show that you are regularly capable of working and it may affect your disability benefits.
If you earn $17,489.40 (before tax) or more, this demonstrates you are regularly capable of working and you will likely no longer qualify for disability benefits.
So, let’s look at this $6,400 before tax amount. If a person works two 4-hour shifts per week at minimum wage ($15.65), the weekly wage before tax will be $125.20. Multiply this by 52 weeks to determine the annual wage before tax, they would be earning $6,510.40 in a year. While this amount is slightly higher than the amount allowed, the effect to the benefits will be very minimal.
It’s not until you start earning substantially more that Service Canada will begin to ask if you are capable of working on a regular basis. This means a person can work and earn extra income without penalty. So, a part time job of 8 hours a week is possible for you. You can also consider a temporary or seasonal position too.
I also think there may be small business employers who will appreciate having an employee who doesn’t want many hours but can be a reliable part-time employee.
While your benefits will stop once you have reached the $17, 489.40 threshold, it doesn’t go away permanently. If you return to work on a regular basis, you may be able to continue to receive your disability benefits for three months. This gives you and the CPP time to evaluate your ability to work regularly.
If you are no longer able to work after your benefits stop, you may qualify for the Automatic Reinstatement or the Fast Track application process. These options are designed to get you back into pay as quickly as possible when you are unable to continue working due to a reoccurrence of the same or related disability. Communication with Service Canada about this subject is key, keeping them informed about what you are trying to do lets them know what is happening if they see you reporting income earnings.
Allowing someone to work while on CPP Disability gives them an opportunity to earn extra income which in turn gives a person increased self confidence, greater independence, and a sense of contributing to their community.
Finding Work After 50
Losing your job or changing careers later in life can be both terrifying and exciting. There are so many questions; Should I look for work in the same field or should I try something new? Are my tech skills adequate for today’s labour market? Will an employer hire someone like me who’s getting close to retirement age?
Keeping your cool and using some new strategies can make the experience fun and rewarding. You can get the foot in the door by making a few simple tweaks to your resume and modernizing your approach to job search.
Age is just a number, until it comes to finding a job.
Losing your job or changing careers later in life can be both terrifying and exciting. There are so many questions; Should I look for work in the same field or should I try something new? Are my tech skills adequate for today’s labour market? Will an employer hire someone like me who’s getting close to retirement age?
Keeping your cool and using some new strategies can make the experience fun and rewarding. You can get the foot in the door by making a few simple tweaks to your resume and modernizing your approach to job search.
Update your email address
If your email is one of the older domains from the 00’s like Yahoo or MSN, consider updating to Gmail or if you have a website, consider using an email address connected to your domain.
Remove years and stale info from your resume
If you graduated high school in ‘82 or college in ’89 you are giving away your age before prospective employers even get a chance to meet you. If you have post secondary education, remove the high school completely. If you only have high school, leave the info but remove the graduating year.
Remove any certificates or micro qualifications that are expired or more than 10 years old. If you are 52 years and your resume still has a babysitting certificate from when you were 15, remove it. Instead focus on courses or certificates that show you have been learning new skills. In fact, during your job search is a great time to update Foodsafe, Serving it Right, First Aid or other certificates that may have expired.
Make sure you exist online
If you haven’t already done it, create a profile somewhere on social media; Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook or another platform and start creating a presence for yourself. If you already have an established profile, find a way to mention that in your resume or cover letter. If you admin community Facebook pages, or have a website or are active on Twitter, make sure to mention this too.
Don’t overlook references to webinars, resources, courses or training that you have accessed on the internet. If you did labour market research about the field you are entering, try to slide that into your cover letter or mention it in your interview. Doing so can be a good reflection of your technical skills and your ability to stay current. Employers are generally looking for people who know their way around the internet and social media.
Clean up your act
Employers will Google you and check out your Facebook profile. Remove any pictures and content from social media that reflect you in a unprofessional way This is also a fresh way to promote yourself in ways that a resume can’t. Your political views or comments on social issues can tip the scales in your favour if an employer likes what they see, and vice versa. This is also a good way to sneak in some indicators that you are active and healthy, by posting pics or posts talking about being active or engaged with your community.
Market your value
As soon as you walk into an interview the employer is going to recognize you as an older applicant. While age discrimination is illegal, employers will still sometimes dismiss older people due to prejudice and misconceptions about skill levels and health. Employers may have concerns about older workers’ ability to work long hours, or perform more labour-intensive tasks or their ability to gel with a young team.
Being aware of these potential concerns and turning them into a plus can really disarm a reluctant interviewer. Think about how your maturity can be marketed. During your work life, you have undoubtedly developed a strong work ethic, reliability, the ability to prioritize tasks and manage your time. Yes, young workers might be adventurous, energetic and ambitious but many mature workers have transferrable skills they have gained through raising a family that those younger workers may not have developed yet; diplomacy, crisis management, team leadership, conflict intervention, budgeting. Consider also that now that you probably no longer have kids at home, your time is much more flexible than a young parent’s, your availability to work shifts or be on call could be very attractive to an employer.
Job search after 50 doesn’t have to be frightening and if you take into account the value of your experience and the wisdom you’ve gained along the way you should be able to find a perfect fit in no time.