Rona Hope Building Supplies Lives By Their Values
Rona Hope Building Supplies is a locally owned and operated business in Hope, B.C. . They offer their customers access to all of the top brands of materials needed for building construction or home renovation projects. Rona Hope Building Supplies, part of Fraser Valley Building Supplies, has long been an inclusive employer in Hope.
We spoke with the store manager, Luke Adrian, about his team’s experience in hiring and working with people with disabilities.
Why is inclusivity important to Fraser Valley Building Supplies?
Inclusivity and having a diverse workforce with a variety of skills and problem solving styles is the cornerstone of our team’s strength. One of the values we live by at Rona Hope Building Supplies is fostering collaboration. This goes hand in hand with a workplace where everyone feels like they are heard and have a role to play.
How has working with employees with disabilities impacted your other staff?
Our staff love to work along side our team members with disabilities, and some have been working together for years. Developing friendships, and having shared experiences bring much joy to all involved.
Have you noticed any impact on your customer experience by hiring persons with disabilities?
The impact on our customers has been very positive. All of our people with disabilities live here in the community and the Hope community for the most part is welcoming and understanding. If there has been some negative views held by some, they are in the minority. Retail is a team game to begin with, and we have an amazing team here at Rona Hope Building Supplies. Through supporting one another, good communication and customer service we can turn perceived negatives into positives.
What would you say are some of the benefits to being an inclusive employer?
So many benefits. It challenges us to think outside the norms of society. Teaches patience, empathy and understanding, which are values so missing in todays fast pace world. But mostly, it showcases to all that an inclusive workplace, and by extension, an inclusive word is what we believe in as a company. You have to live your values and be the change your wish to see.
How can employers ensure employees with disabilities feel safe and valued in their workplace?
As employers, we need to know and understand our team members strengths and weakness. Putting our people in situations where natural abilities bring them success is so important. Whether it’s a team member with disabilities or not the formula for feeling valued and safe is the same.
What would you say to other employers who may be concerned about hiring a person with a disability?
Do it. there are always a thousand reasons that you can come up with why something may not work. But if you give service to your fears and doubts you are missing out on a world of possibilities. I like to challenge people with the following quote
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We were all meant to shine as children do. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone.
And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Ready to diversify your team and become an inclusive employer?
Learn more about hiring people with disabilities and how Free Rein Associates can support.